About Me

Buffalo, New York
Approximately 100 Million Americans are obese, and I am one of them. Now that I'm married with two young children, I'm starting to take my health more seriously. But while I've been converting steaks and chicken wings into love-handles and a gut, close to a Billion People Worldwide have been going hungry... What if we could do something about both problems?
I've started this blog to chronicle my own weight-loss and efforts to raise money and awareness to battle global hunger. If weight is an issue for you, I hope you'll join me; and if it's not, I hope you'll support me or someone like me as we work to lose weight so others can gain it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


...for your wallets.

After weeks of being the only healthy one in our house, I have finally succumb to the illness that has been afflicting my wife and children. I can't afford to still be sick on Sunday, so I'm going to give my body a bunch of easily accessible energy from foods that will be easy on my throat and stomach. All that is to say- I'm not going to be following any kind of diet this week until I get better. I'm hoping not to really gain much weight, but I'm not expecting to lose any this week. Hopefully I'll be better quickly and can get back to work soon.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Week 5 (Unofficial)

Well, my 'weeks' are a little off... I had been doing updates on Wednesdays but then my official weigh-in was on Saturday and I don't even know what day of the week I'm ending on... Maybe I'll start keeping track of the days and just label the posts that way, or maybe I'll just starting using the date instead of the number of weeks. So, however I end up doing that, here's an update:

My Current Weight: 330 pounds
Change this Week: lost 10 pounds
Total Change: lost 39 pounds

My Current Pledges: $82.75 per pound
Amount Raised: $3227.25 or over 12,000 meals!

After 5 weeks, I'm more than halfway to my 6 month goal! (And almost down to where I thought my starting weight was.) My overall weightloss goal is about 120-130 pounds; I thought that was going to be like a 1 or 2 year goal but, the way things are going, losing 100 pounds in 6 months seems like it might be a real possibility. I think after 3 months I might give people the option to pay their pledges on what I've lost up to that point and (hopefully, but optionally) make a new pledge for the last 3 months. Some people were very generous, even sacrificial, with their pledges and, while I'd like to challenge people to be engaged in fighting hunger, I don't want to overburden anyone with a total that's 50% or more higher than they anticipated.

Also, if you're trying to lose weight and/or doing something to help the hungry eat, I'd love to hear about it- I think hearing about each others successes and sharing our failures can be a huge encouragement for all of us (and maybe for people who are thinking about doing something but haven't yet.)

Monday, March 21, 2011

First Official Weigh-in

I had my first official weigh-in after 1 month (on Saturday 3/19). Thankfully, my home scale turned out to be pretty accurate and my official weight was 340 pounds, which puts me down 29 pounds! I've lost track of how many people are raising money/awareness while losing weight (I think there's 9 or 10 of us, maybe more) and I've been encouraged to see others who aren't doing that part but have been inspired to lose weight.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

1 Month Update

So, I was supposed to have my first official weigh-in today but, unfortunately, I had a meeting that prevented me from making it to my doctor's office. So this is another unofficial update. I rescheduled for Saturday and I'll post an official weigh-in when I get home.

My Current Weight: 339 pounds
Change this Week: lost 2 pounds
Total Change: lost 30 pounds

My Current Pledges: $80.75 per pound

Number of Participants: at least 8...

For some reason, following my diet this week was just drastically more difficult than the three previous weeks, and had the smallest payoff. I'm thinking I might change things up for a month and try a different program then after the second month either switch back or stick with the new one (or maybe even try another new program)- you know what they say, variety is the spice of life.

I'm actually thinking of trying the Atkins diet... All my favorite foods are meat or cheese (or both- i <3 you, cheddarwurst) and the more I learn about the science behind our metabolism the more Atkins seems reasonable. I'd appreciate comments from people who have tried it, or have close friends or family who have.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 3 Update

Well, I splurged a little on my birthday (and Sunday at lunch with my parents) so, not surprisingly, this was the smallest week so far- still a good one though.

My Current Weight: 341 pounds
Change this Week: lost 4 pounds
Total Change: lost 28 pounds

My Current Pledges: $77.75 per pound

Number of Participants: 8! (I think...)

To reach my goal I need to average 2.5 to 3 pounds per week (with a little wiggle room, thanks to a big first 2 weeks), so really this was a pretty good week. We're upto $2177 or 8708 meals so far! I'm really excited too about the growing number of participants- I wrote 'I think' with 8 because there are two people I talked to that I'm not certain have started yet, and (most excitingly) I've heard about a person I've never met or been in direct contact with who wants to start!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

By Popular Demand...

A bunch of people have asked for details about what I'm doing so here goes...

My program is all about keeping your metabolism up but your calories down, and being strategic about what you eat. I eat 5 times a day, once every 3 hours, around 300 calories each time. It's not really low-carb, but all my carbs come from whole grains, fruit, and vegetables (no refined carbs, no 'white' foods- no sugar, no white flour, no potatoes, no white rice; definitely no junk like chips, cookies, or cake) and I try to get them all by lunch (3rd meal) and then switch over to greens and lean protein in the afternoon. here's a quick(ish) summary of what I'm doing and some examples:

- start eating first thing when you get up (7-9am): a 1/2cup of whole grain cereal and 1/2c skim milk and a piece of fruit; or, 2 eggs, and 1 slice of whole grain toast (dry).
- 3 hours later (10-12): a piece of fruit (or 1c of berries), a piece of whole grain toast (or whole grain pita), and 1/2c of low-fat cottage cheese or 1c of skim milk (or either breakfast option)
- 3 more hours (1-3pm): 1 can tuna (drained, nothing added) and 1c raw spinach (or 1tbsp hummus) in whole grain pita; or, 3 whole carrots with 2tbsp hummus, and 1c low-fat cottage cheese; or, 4oz of pork or whitefish (broiled or grilled) with 1c of corn or peas
- 3 more hours (4-6pm): 4oz chicken or tuna steak (or, occasionally, shrimp), 1c of broccoli or green beans or cooked spinach, and 1c of skim milk (or extra 1c of veggies); or, 8oz chicken/tuna and 1c of greens (and water instead of milk)
- 3 more hours (7-9pm): same options as previous meal, try not to do exact same thing both times too often.

And don't ever add butter, margarine, or salad dressing to anything (or at least barely any low-fat dressing, try lemon juice instead). You can add black coffee to any of these (or even coffee with a dash of skim milk), but really the key is to always be drinking water. Always. And, your last meal should be at least 3 hours before you go to bed- though, if you sleep 8 hours and actually start eating right away in the morning that will be no problem. Hope this helps!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Week 2 Update

The second week wasn't as huge as the first week, but it was still a great week. Today is my birthday and I'm going to splurge a little for cake and whatnot, so hopefully next week will still be a good week. Thank you to everyone who's involved in one way or another- and, if you're not involved yet, there's still plenty of ways you could get involved!

My Current Weight: 345 pounds
Change this Week: lost 6.5 pounds
Total Change: lost 24 pounds

My Current Pledges: $75.75 per pound

Number of Participants: 6!

These weights are still unofficial- I'll get another official weight 3/16. Right now we're providing 303 meals per pound, so we're over 7,200 meals so far!