About Me

Buffalo, New York
Approximately 100 Million Americans are obese, and I am one of them. Now that I'm married with two young children, I'm starting to take my health more seriously. But while I've been converting steaks and chicken wings into love-handles and a gut, close to a Billion People Worldwide have been going hungry... What if we could do something about both problems?
I've started this blog to chronicle my own weight-loss and efforts to raise money and awareness to battle global hunger. If weight is an issue for you, I hope you'll join me; and if it's not, I hope you'll support me or someone like me as we work to lose weight so others can gain it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week #? Update

Well, I've lost track of the weeks... it's one week past my 3 month check-up, but I think one of those months had 5 Wednesdays... so, week 14 maybe...

Whatever week it is, I'm also not entirely sure what to write for weight-loss this week; do I go by the actually week or since the "bonus" update 5 days ago? I'll go by the actually week- it looks better :)

My Current Weight: 314 pounds
Change Since Last Wednesday: lost 9 pounds!
Total Change: lost 55 pounds :)

My Current Pledges: $82.75 per pound
Amount Raised: over $4500 (about 18,000 meals)!

Thank you to everyone has been encouraging and supporting me on this journey- together we really are going to make a difference!

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