About Me

Buffalo, New York
Approximately 100 Million Americans are obese, and I am one of them. Now that I'm married with two young children, I'm starting to take my health more seriously. But while I've been converting steaks and chicken wings into love-handles and a gut, close to a Billion People Worldwide have been going hungry... What if we could do something about both problems?
I've started this blog to chronicle my own weight-loss and efforts to raise money and awareness to battle global hunger. If weight is an issue for you, I hope you'll join me; and if it's not, I hope you'll support me or someone like me as we work to lose weight so others can gain it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 3 Update

Well, I splurged a little on my birthday (and Sunday at lunch with my parents) so, not surprisingly, this was the smallest week so far- still a good one though.

My Current Weight: 341 pounds
Change this Week: lost 4 pounds
Total Change: lost 28 pounds

My Current Pledges: $77.75 per pound

Number of Participants: 8! (I think...)

To reach my goal I need to average 2.5 to 3 pounds per week (with a little wiggle room, thanks to a big first 2 weeks), so really this was a pretty good week. We're upto $2177 or 8708 meals so far! I'm really excited too about the growing number of participants- I wrote 'I think' with 8 because there are two people I talked to that I'm not certain have started yet, and (most excitingly) I've heard about a person I've never met or been in direct contact with who wants to start!


  1. Nate, well done. I will add one more to your fellow redistributers as I have tipped the scales at my highest weight ever at 219 pounds on Fat Tuesday. I will aim for a reduction by 30 pounds by Pentecost, June 12th. I will start tonight to solicit funding of support per pound.

  2. I think your goal should be at least 5 pounds per week! You can do it.

  3. 5 pounds a week for 26 weeks would be 130 pounds... that's probably about my overall goal but i'm not sure it would be wise (or safe) to lose it that fast? also, that would be quite a shock for the people who pledged $5 a pound...
